Friday, January 06, 2006

Interesting Developments

Baby developments to be precise. We'll start with Zoë.

She has firmly figured out rolling from her back to her stomach. About two weeks ago she figured out stomach to back, but then she'd get upset because she was stuck like a turtle. She's also gotten quite used to cereal for supper. We're going to start two times a day soon. She'll be on baby food before you know it. She's just learning to get up on her hands and knees, but isn't really getting anywhere doing it.

Jason figured out smiling on purpose, just a bit before we left for holiday. He is smiling all the time now. He's also learning to be just as manipulative as his father. However, there is much training to be imparted. For example, Jason hurt Bonny the other day while nursing. She looked upset and sternly told him to not do that, he was hurting mommy. Jason looked as though he was deep in thought, really pondering how he should react to this. Ah ha, he thought, I need to make mom happy, so she's not mad. So, he let loose with a huge smile, looking right into her eyes. Mommy still looked upset, and Jason's face went back to its concernedly thinking position. Normally when he smiles mom smiles back and praises him. It hadn’t worked this time. He needed to consider why.

You see Jason, the trick is, first you look really hurt, perhaps pouty, maybe even near tears. Then when she comforts you, and tells you that it’s okay, just don’t do it again, then you let loose with the big smile.

Hmm, I have so much to teach him.

He’s also learned to push himself up when he’s on him belly. It won’t be long till he’s learning to roll over. Time flies and all that jazz.

Jason is gooing and gaing. Zoë is beginning to teeth. I’m sure there is more that I’m not thinking of, but my reports may be a little scatter brained until they are both sleeping through the night.



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