Wednesday, December 14, 2005

My thermometer is broken...

I'm not really sure how much we have to pay now. People had emailed me about the thermometer. I just don't know.

I think the way it works is we had

$     7.00    paid    Information Packet
$   100.00    paid    Applicaiton Fee
$ 1,500.00    paid    Home Study Fee
$ 8,450.00    paid    Pre-placement Fee                        (Jason)
$   114.13    paid    Travel Expenses                          (Jason)
$ 7,634.51 part paid  Pass-Thru (hospital, lawyers, etc.)      (Jason)
$ 8,450.00    due     Pre-placement Fee                        (Nazomë)
$   250.00    due     Post-placement Supervision Fee           (Nazomë)
$ 2,496.03    due     Pass-Thru (lawyers, bus tickets, etc.)   (Nazomë)
---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------- ---------
$29,001.67    ARGH    TOTAL

So ... I'm not really sure, but I think that means we're broke. :)

Naw, we have payment plans and good family help. It will be tight for a while, but it will all work out.

Plus, starting with the new year, I'm in a get out of debt race with Mike. So, that will help motivate me to balance my finances.



Blogger Naffel said...

Hmmm, blogger doesn't appear to have liked my table. I'll try to figure out what happened on my next coffee break.

14/12/05 1:37 PM  
Blogger Naffel said...

There, did the spacing by hand.

Stupid Blogger.

14/12/05 4:21 PM  

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