Saturday, January 28, 2006

Check out this picture I found...

It's a phone pic, So, it's fuzzy. I hear tell that it's the first time Zoë has worn a dress. I wasn't there. :(

A reminder from your neighborhood blogger: If other people put pictures of our kids on the internet, we can link to them. Just a facinating tidbit of information.


Friday, January 27, 2006

The big three-oh

Yeah, Jason is 3 months and 0 weeks old, today; one quarter year old. He's practically an old fogey. I'm working on getting some video of the two squirts somewhere where I can link them.

There is a really funny video of Zoë trying baby food for the first time. It's pears and raspberries. It appears to be a bit tart for her.

Anyhow, just keeping you on the edge of your seat, so you'll stay tuned.



Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Like weeds...

I'm pretty sure Jason grew half an inch and a whole pound while he was gone. Zoë grew some too, but Jason was definitly more dramatic.

I missed the little squirts, but I still gotta work. Ah well. :)

Monday, January 23, 2006

Some audio blogs

These are off Annie's blog, but are relavent.

Rash, rash, Justin

Let me tell you what he did.

First he projected his budget for the next 4 weeks, then he subtracted (non-loan) adoption payments he expected in between now and June. He then used the remainder to determine a payment on his highest interest credit card.

Then he paid it off completely.



So, you are now saying to yourself. That doesn't seem all that rash. You seem to have taken your finances into account. You made sure you are going to have money for adoption payments. And then you paid what you could.

Ahh, logic. How nice it would be if my mind worked like that. No... No... See, you missed the fine print. Here let me blow it up for you.

to determine a payment on his highest interest credit card.
(he proceeded to ignore that number and)
Then he paid it off completely.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Are you ready for this?

Better be...

[[ our future ]]


Thursday, January 19, 2006

Bachelor Life

I don't know. Doesn't that mean I should have a poker night, or something? I'll probably just end up getting junk done around the house that I've needed to do for a while. [translation]Clean for 10 minutes then get distracted by TV/computer.[/translation]

"What are you talking about!?!"

Bonny is going on a trip with the kids to visit her parents. They have not gotten to see Zoë yet. I'm a touch nervous about the trip, but that may just be because I'm a control freak. I will likely worry the whole time they are on the road.

"Suck it up sissy."

Yeah. Yeah. Well, she is taking Annie with her. That is some solace. I get the feeling that Annie is going to have more work than she expected. I mean, when you have a child's rear end explode. How much would you pay to not have to deal with that. It would be a whole lot more than minimum wage. And I don't think Bonny is paying her at all.

At any rate... Wish them well. Keep them in your prayers.


Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Reka and Ronda

Well, we had our meeting with Reka and Ronda (Rhonda?) ... Hmmm...

Anyhow, the meeting went well. It was the primary focus of the trip, although we ended up talking with agency people some concerning the birthfather and all that stuff.

I am told the meeting went well. I'm too much of a social maladroit to be able to tell.

I’ll let Bonny expound on this further, but thought I should post something.


Thursday, January 12, 2006

Dial-Up Woes

Well, I don't have them, but I'm sure some of you do. The point is, I've added some larger files to the top of the blog. This may result in slower load times for those of you on dial-up. I appologize, but I was told they were too cute to take down.



Well, Reka is not on board with her mother, just in case that wasn't clear from before. She is wanting to have a visit with Zoe.

Hmm, when I started writing this I thought I would have more to say, but I guess not...

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Activist Judge

Monday, January 09, 2006

Baby daddy...

Well, we just got word that Reka's mother is coming to Texas with the birthfather. This would be the birthfather whom they don't know who is. This would be the birthfather who [[edited for content]] to the point of [[edited for content]] and then [[edited for content]], [[edited for content]] much later [[edited for content]] of the birthfather.

Anyhow, they are coming to Texas to take his "daughter". Naturally, there will be paternity tests. Naturally, the fight will not stop there.

Bah, it's all ridiculous.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

. . .ZZZZ

Last night, for the very first time ever, BOTH babies slept through the ENTIRE night! I must say this made for a very happy and suprised Mommy. I really mean all night by the way. Zoë has slept through the night since she first came to us, but all night for her usually means waking up for breakfast at 5:00am and Jason always woke up at least once or twice in the night to eat. This morning Jason slept till 7am and Zoë slept till 8am. I'm REALLY hoping this is a trend they'll be continuing, but it may just have been a fluke, after all the night before they both kept me running. Well, news is news. Here's hoping it will continue. Keep your fingers crossed for me. I could use more full nights sleeps.


Friday, January 06, 2006

Interesting Developments

Baby developments to be precise. We'll start with Zoë.

She has firmly figured out rolling from her back to her stomach. About two weeks ago she figured out stomach to back, but then she'd get upset because she was stuck like a turtle. She's also gotten quite used to cereal for supper. We're going to start two times a day soon. She'll be on baby food before you know it. She's just learning to get up on her hands and knees, but isn't really getting anywhere doing it.

Jason figured out smiling on purpose, just a bit before we left for holiday. He is smiling all the time now. He's also learning to be just as manipulative as his father. However, there is much training to be imparted. For example, Jason hurt Bonny the other day while nursing. She looked upset and sternly told him to not do that, he was hurting mommy. Jason looked as though he was deep in thought, really pondering how he should react to this. Ah ha, he thought, I need to make mom happy, so she's not mad. So, he let loose with a huge smile, looking right into her eyes. Mommy still looked upset, and Jason's face went back to its concernedly thinking position. Normally when he smiles mom smiles back and praises him. It hadn’t worked this time. He needed to consider why.

You see Jason, the trick is, first you look really hurt, perhaps pouty, maybe even near tears. Then when she comforts you, and tells you that it’s okay, just don’t do it again, then you let loose with the big smile.

Hmm, I have so much to teach him.

He’s also learned to push himself up when he’s on him belly. It won’t be long till he’s learning to roll over. Time flies and all that jazz.

Jason is gooing and gaing. Zoë is beginning to teeth. I’m sure there is more that I’m not thinking of, but my reports may be a little scatter brained until they are both sleeping through the night.


Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Uhh, sherbert?

Well, I didn't get to post over the holidays because a 24k modem scares me. So, there is lots to say, but I'm focusing on the thermometer for this post. It is now sherbert.

CHERRY is what we've paid.
STRAWBERRY is the agency loan.
LIME is a loan from my grandma.
WHITE RASPBERRY is what we have left.

So, huge thanks to grandma. We could have gotten the money other ways, but this is so much simpler. I don't have much cash flow, but paying her back will be my top priority (after paying off the white).

And, the thermometer may be getting longer. Some of Zoë's birth relatives have decided to fight the adoption. This may mean that legal fees are passed on to us. I don't know. We'll see.

As always, I'll keep thermometer up to date. Hopefully, the white will be going away later this month. Then we'll just keep chipping away at the pink and green. We need it all paid off in three years, so we can start this all over again. :)
