Monday, March 30, 2009

Thirty on Thirty

So, I was talking with a friend of mine about some scheme by which we might lose weight. (Because obviously you have to trick yourself into this kind of thing.) So, he's going to Texas De Brazil soon, and doesn't want to start the weigh ins until then. Fair enough. But we went ahead and weighed just for the fun of it. (You know how fun that is.) I found out I weigh 257.8. EEEEEKKKKK!!!! That's more than I've ever weighed, and 12 pounds more than four weeks ago.

My mind was racing trying to think, what in the world have I been doing in the past month that would have made that much of a difference. Four weeks ago...what happened four weeks ago...

Oh yeah, I turned thirty. Man, that hit me like a ton of bricks. :)

I think I've actually traced it down to a prescription I've been put on.

Nevertheless, when you think you weigh 245ish and it's actually 12-13 higher, it's not fun to learn. I'm not going to Texas De I can start now. In fact, I'll have my first weigh in on Wednesday...



Friday, March 27, 2009


Well, a picture's worth 1000 words. The red line is the route I took Jason to the park. He wanted to lead the way back home. The blue line is the route that he chose.

Click to zoom.

He already has a better sense of direction than half the people I know. You'll also note that he didn't bother with those pesky roads.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sleep Walking...


Well, at least I'm awake now.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Musical Toilets

I'm not sure what was happening last night. I know Jason said he had to pee. So, I said, "Ok, you don't have to ask to go pee at night, just go." About half an hour later, I was ready for bed and I hear Jason calling. He has to poop. "Ok, you don't have to ask, just go." I go check twitter. Jason's in bed calling for me. "What?" "I have to go poop." "You just went." "I didn't poop." Clank! I look in the bathroom. Zoë's standing in the middle of the bathroom with her pants down. "Are you all done?" "Nope." "Jason, Zoë's on the potty. You have to wait." "When is she done?" "I don't know. Look you've both been to the potty twice already. Ya'll figure it out."

So, I go to bed and go to sleep. Who knows how long they do this musical chairs game? I do know they still managed to be awake before me.


Monday, March 23, 2009

These sickos are driving me crazy...

I mean kiddos...yeah, that's it.

Feel like being sick? Have a few kids. Their great. They'll get diseases and give them right to you. If you get a disease, they'll make sure you get no sleep, so the disease can do its worse.

I started feeling bad Saturday. I went home early from work and ended up sleeping for most all of Sunday...I guess most of Monday too.

It's very Pavlovian. The train never used to wake me up. The dogs never woke me up, unless they were right outside my window. Now, the train wakes me up. I wait a minute, and then the dogs start in. A couple more minutes and, "Whaaaaaa, daaaaaaaddddd."

What's weird is; Zoë wakes up just enough to realize she has to pee, but not enough to realize how to solve the problem. I go in there and say, "Zoë, go to the bathroom." She gets up and goes and goes back to bed. I don't even have to stay up for it. I just have to get the ball rolling. But, if I don't, then she'll pee the bed.

Then about five in the morning I feel cold Jason feet on me. They wake me up enough to realize I have to pee, but not enough to realize how to solve the problem. Then I wake up wet... So, far that's just because Jason wet my bed. (Annoying no doubt, but far better than the other possibility.)

Bonny's at the doctor now. It's her first time driving since surgery. Hopefully, it will go well.


Slam - Click - Knock, Knock

Justin - I was alone for a second!
Justin - You need to see me?
Jason - Yeah.
Justin - What do you need?
Jason - I need to see you?
Justin - Do you miss me?
Jason - Yeah.
Jason - Where are you going?
Justin - I'm going to work, but right now I have to stay home until mom gets back from the doctor.
Jason - Oh.
Justin - Because, we can't leave you here alone, can we?
Jason - No.
Justin - Because, what would you do if we left you alone?
Jason - I'd be gone.
Justin - What would you eat if we left you alone?
Jason - Cereal.
Justin - How would you get to it?
Jason - I'd get it.
Justin - How would you get it?
Jason - I'd knock all the stuff down.
Justin - Yeah, I believe that.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I miss having this much time on my hands.

Friday, March 20, 2009

I won't have to worry 'bout my mortgage, or putting gas in my car...

After picking up toys where Zoë got a few quarters for picking up a few toys and Jason got several quarters for picking up several toys. Zoë put her quarters in her pink piggy bank.

Zoë - I have a pink piggy bank. Now I need a green one and a orange one and a purple one. Then I don't have to pick up any more toys.

She wants to win the lottery.

Well, maybe she'll help me with laundry and get some more.


Just a day at the office...

Justin - Where's mommy?
Bonny - Rawr!!!
Jason - There he is!
Bonny - He!!! I'm a she.
Jason - Nooo, you're a he.
Bonny - She!
Jason - No, he.
Bonny - She!
No, he. She! Ho, ne. She! He, no.
Bonny - She!
Jason - He ho.
Justin - He ho!?!
Jason - Mommy's a he ho.
Zoë - I'm a she ho.
Bonny - No, Zoë no...
He ho! She ho!
Bonny - No guys. No, lets stop.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Welcome To My World

So, hungry.

Sleep is for the weak...

Jason and I have gotten similar things. Some combination of allergies, a virus and now a bacterial infection. Took Jason to the doctor on Monday and they loaded the kid up. He has a steroid, an antibiotic and some respitory meds he's taking with a nebulizer.

Don't worry. He's okay, but they just want to make sure it doesn't become pneumonia.

Well, the nebulizer isn't treating Bonny and I well. Bonny's trying to grow a new knee and I'm trying to get well. He originally had to have it every three hours, even when he was asleep. He's down to every four hours now. Bonny's administering it. So, she's up each time. I'm up almost everytime, just because Jason will wake up and cry (and he's in our bed).

"Justin, why are you complaining?"

I'm not complaining. I'm just trying to explain that between that and work catchup, I'm having problems remembering things to post...

Not that things aren't happening. Zoë said something just yesterday that was quite funny about the swarm of june bugs surrounding our front door...but I just don't recall.

I recall getting my obese self handed back to myself on the racquetball court today.

I recall that Bonny was in the mood for milkshakes and microscopic burgers yesterday. So, we went to Steak-n-Shake and the kids got these cardboard cars (place tab A in slot B). Zoë's is in shambles. Last I saw, Jason's was fine and being driven by a ninja turtle.

If I actually get to leave work today I'll try to note something post worthy tonight.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I'm back...

And if I ever get caught up on emails I'll be able to post again.

Suffice it to say. Jason and I are fighting allergies (Jason 4 drugs. Daddy 2 drugs (well three if you count Mucinex D as two)). Bonny can walk briefly without crutches. Zoë got the same thing as Jason and feels fine now...strong as an ox.

I'm behind on everything...seems like there should be a way to make that not true after a vacation.


Sunday, March 01, 2009

Civic Duty

Jason - "Dad, dad, come look!"
Jason leads Justin over to the sidewalk.
Jason - "Look a bug."
It was a june bug.
Justin - "Oh, is it dead?"
Jason - "Yeah."
It was on its back. Justin pokes at it and it's legs move a little.
Justin - "Nope, it's alive."
Jason looks at it. A slight breeze blows and it moves one of its legs.
Jason - "Hey! Daddy step on it."
Justin - "No, I'm not gonna step on it. It's not bothering me."
Jason - "It's not bothering you."
Jason - "It's not bothering me."
Jason - "It must be bothering somebody."
Jason - "We better step on him."
