Tuesday, December 20, 2005


So, as I promised, I'm keeping the thermometer up to date. However, it is now neopolitan.

The pink area represents an $8,000 interest free loan we received. We don't have to start paying on it for six month. But, we have to pay the remainder by the end of those six months.


Fun fun. :)

The kids are doing well. I know Bonny wishes she had time to post, but she's crazy busy. She did take time to call me yesterday and let me know that Jason had done his first "on purpose" smile. It wasn't gas. It wasn't poop. He was just happy to see his mom.

Nazomë apparently decided to scream for an hour while Jason was being fed. It's true. My kids are already spoiled brats. Jason cries if he doesn't get to sleep in our bed. Nazomë cries if you don't pay her attention ... or take her bottle ... or if she's tired ... or if she wants to stand ...


P.S. I think it may be official that Nazomë is now Zoë, but I'm still waiting for confirmation.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Thermometer Fixed

Really, it was never broken. We aren't saving any new money right now. We've had to spend too much funding all the new junk for the kids. That is finally starting to die down and we should be able to limit it to perishables for a few months.

So, I've changed the meaning of the thermometer. It is no longer how much we've saved, but rather how much we've paid. (That's why the number went down slightly.) We have about $29,000 to pay, so that's where I put the top. I went to a little more effort to make it look good this time, since I expect it will be around for quite a while. I will make sure I update it regularly.

The total due still has a possibility of changing (up or down). I'm not sure how long till we find out the status of loans through the agency itself. That will be the largest determiner of overall price. I will have to borrow additional money, either way it goes. I had a pretty good contingency plan if we got one baby pretty early, but wasn't really ready for two. That's okay though. It will all work out. It always does.


Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Pick Pocket

You little thief, Bonny. :p

My coworkers were really cool today. They chipped in to a baby fund and gave our new family a very nice sum of money. I didn't count it, but I could tell there was quite a bit. Bonny has already nabbed it though, so I can't count it. :/ I suppose I'll have an idea how much it was once the receipts start coming in. :)

I was really shocked that the new group I'm with also had such a fund. I'm only loaned to them. So that was really cool.

I'm voting for a walker, a couple of baby gates and a tub seat (the kind you attach to the side of the tub with an arm). But I'll let Bonny have the say on how the money's spend.


P.S. Bonny, you should post here.

My thermometer is broken...

I'm not really sure how much we have to pay now. People had emailed me about the thermometer. I just don't know.

I think the way it works is we had

$     7.00    paid    Information Packet
$   100.00    paid    Applicaiton Fee
$ 1,500.00    paid    Home Study Fee
$ 8,450.00    paid    Pre-placement Fee                        (Jason)
$   114.13    paid    Travel Expenses                          (Jason)
$ 7,634.51 part paid  Pass-Thru (hospital, lawyers, etc.)      (Jason)
$ 8,450.00    due     Pre-placement Fee                        (Nazomë)
$   250.00    due     Post-placement Supervision Fee           (Nazomë)
$ 2,496.03    due     Pass-Thru (lawyers, bus tickets, etc.)   (Nazomë)
---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------- ---------
$29,001.67    ARGH    TOTAL

So ... I'm not really sure, but I think that means we're broke. :)

Naw, we have payment plans and good family help. It will be tight for a while, but it will all work out.

Plus, starting with the new year, I'm in a get out of debt race with Mike. So, that will help motivate me to balance my finances.


Tuesday, December 13, 2005


We aren't allowed to put pictures of our kids on the internet. But if we are in public and someone takes a picture and they feel like putting it on the internet and we happen to find it. There's nothing that says we can't link to it. I was just thinking about that.

Back to the Grindstone

Well, ya'll don't get first priority. Jason was up, so he got a half hour of my time first. But about half an hour ago I turned in my final school project. It was only an hour and a half late. That's quite a bit better than the seven hours late my other one was. But that teacher's pretty cool, so I think he'll cut me some slack.

Now I just have to sit back and wait for my grades...


Now I have to start getting ready for Christmas. Now I have to start working overtime. Now I have to start working on all the stuff around the house that I've been neglecting for two years. Now I have to start paying off debt.

All combined, still better than school... :)

Anyhow...I glad that I get to finally spend some time with my kids. Both papers probably would have been on time if I hadn't taken so many breaks to watch/play with them.


Monday, December 12, 2005


Nayomi spelled backwards is "I mo ya n" ... hmmm.

So, anyhow, there has been some questions as to what our new babies name is. I'll say this much. Her current name is

Nayomi Lanay Williams

We haven't decided whether to go with Nayomi or not, but if we do, then it will be spelled biblically, Naomi, much to Ken's chagrin. However, we may go ahead and change it to

Zoë Marie Carrell

We will see. Currently, she gets called such names as squirtet, sweet pea, megaphone and little one. I'm quite certain she has no idea what her name is, and neither do we. :p


Sunday, December 11, 2005

Not a creature was stirring...

Not even a screaming baby.

Well, it is midnight. Dad's asleep. Mom's asleep. Bonny's asleep. And amazingly enough, both kids are asleep.

And I'm 15 pages into a paper that is to be 15 to 20 pages. It's due now. I'm hoping to be done by 3am. No matter how far along I am, I'll turn it in at 6am.

I must say, the section I just wrote is my best section yet, and it's the teacher's pet task...so maybe he'll be lenient on the rest. :)

We'll see...

Back to it...

Saturday, December 10, 2005

All back home

Well, my folks have come to aide for a bit. We are all back home. She's quite a bit bigger than Jason. I believe she's 14 and some odd pounds. Here are her original stats, for those who missed it the first go around.

Birth Date August 17th, 2005
Birth Time 6:57pm
Weight 6lb 6oz
Length 20in
Head 12in
Chest 12 1/4in

Technically I'm not supposed to post any pictures of her either...yet. I'm working on getting around that. I think I can post as long as they are password protected.

More later. I'm only 3 pages deep into what needs to be at least 15 (probably more) pages. I'm so tired... And it's so hard to stay in here and write stupid papers that aren't even going to be read, when I have a brand new child that we've had less than 2 hours that I could be spending time with.

More later,

Friday, December 09, 2005


I'm insanely busy working on school projects. Bonny's insanely busy cleaning. And we have just enough time to tell ya'll that a 4 month old little girl is scheduled to be dropped off at our house at 9pm tonight.

It's because we don't already have enough going on. :)

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Well, the weather outside is...

evidently effecting the intelligence of people. It took me almost an hour to get to work. There were six wrecks. "Uhhh, gee Maude, if we drive faster we'll get off the dangerous roads faster."

Anyhow, I'm just posting here to let you know that, in part due to the weather and in part due to needing time to think, the second baby issue is on hold. I really don't have the time to devote to that deep of thought right now. On the surface it doesn't seem like a horrible idea, but I have some meditating and psycoanalysis to do before then.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Babies out the Wazoo

No, the other wazoo.

Remember this little person?

Sheeeeeeeeee's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.

Yeah, well, the adoption agency called and we've been offered her again.

More later.

Monday, December 05, 2005


That was the sound I made when I got punched in the stomach by this bill.

$1526.90 a month. (5 months)

That's okay. It will be worth it when I'm 80 and he's having to take care of me. :p

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Censored By The Man

Well, actually by Bonny. :p

They wanted to use our testimonial in a newsletter. It took a lot of editing to get it down to size. Ya'll probably don't care, but here's what a "woman's" touch can do.

We aren't going to lie to you. Adoption is a rollercoaster. And as you head towards the lowest lows, you will feel your stomach drop. It will hurt. But, it’s worth it.

We had always considered adoption a viable option. However, adoption was not on the forefront of our mind until we go the news that we would never conceive a child. It hurt to get that news, to have to go through tests and surgeries, to wait for results, to be told maybe time after time, just to told, finally, no. But that low didn’t last long. We searched out several adoption agencies and settled on Inheritance.

Things went on hold for a while. There were applications to be filled out, inspections to be performed, etc. We were coasting. Then suddenly our emotional rollercoaster was headed up again. A birthmother wanted to meet with us. Our meeting was a success. We clicked. This time coasting was a little less easy. We didn’t know if the birthmother was meeting with other couples or if we would defiantly be picked. The anticipation was palpable.

Finally, we heard ‘yes’ and bought a new camera the same day. The anticipation welled. Finally, we got a call. The birthmother was in labor. We had been told that she wanted us to wait to pick up the baby until the two days had passed. We didn’t get a lot of work done those two days.

About 1pm on the second day, Justin received a call at work. It was mere hours before we were to pack up and head to Wichita Falls to get a beautiful baby girl. The birthmother had left the hospital, with the baby, and hadn’t even told the agency. It was like a punch in the stomach, but think about that when we tell you, that wasn’t our lowest low. Justin went home early that day. That is not the kind of news you tell your wife over the phone. A lot of tears were shed, but our prayers and family lifted us out of that low.

About a week later, we got a call at home. The agency wanted to know if we were ready to speak with a new birthmother. We steadied ourselves for another set of hills and valleys, and said yes.

Circumstances led to us meeting with this new birth mother only a few weeks before she was due. The meeting went even better than the first one. While we felt more confident, we tried to remember that we couldn’t be sure of thing just yet.

This birthmother wanted us at the hospital when she went into labor. Luckily, for us, living a couple of hours away, she was to be induced. After a false alarm and a few tense days of waiting, we got the call. She had been induced.

We packed up our stuff, and headed to Wichita Falls. The birthmother even let Bonny be in the delivery room. It really didn’t feel real yet, but soon. At six twenty-seven that evening, there was a brand spanking new baby boy. This was so wonderful. We were both there getting to hold him just after he was born. We were on cloud nine. Still, we had not reached our highest high, or our lowest low.

We were there as he got his shots, tests and very first bath. Then something happened that we didn’t expect. The birthmother wanted us to have the baby then. We escorted her to her room and went to the hospitality room we were staying in with the baby. We didn’t dare use the name we had chosen yet, still too afraid of what could happen.

That night was a long night, but it was a good night. The next morning he was scheduled to be circumcised. Afterward, the birthmother wanted to spend time with him. A few hours later Bonny and I stopped by to visit them. The birthgrandmother was going to be coming by soon and wanted some time with the baby also, so we headed back to the hospitality room and waited. It was a lot longer than we thought it would be, and felt even longer than it was. We can’t lie; we worried heavily they would not be bringing him back, but at ten thirty at night they showed up and there were hugs all around. They checked out and headed home.

We weren’t allowed to go home quite yet. Two days had to pass before the birthmother could sign the paper work, so we spent the night in a hospitality hotel next to the hospital.

That was a good day. We spent the whole day with him minus Justin’s Wal-Mart run for food and supplies. Justin got to email some photos to our parents. The birthgrandfather wanted his turn to visit with the baby, so we packed up a small diaper bag and anxiously let him go.

Mid-afternoon, we got a call. Things were going bad. The birthmother wasn’t ready to sign. We were beginning to panic, but she and her family agreed to meet and discuss. After things calmed down she agreed to sign. While the birthgrandfather got his visit with the baby, we headed to the hospitality hotel to check out. When we got back to the agency, things had gone downhill again. The baby was to be placed in foster care until things were decided. One of our lowest low was our empty car seat being returned to us holding only a slightly used diaper bag.

We drove back home that night to our mothers, who were waiting to see their new grandchild. It’s good they were there. We would have given anything not to have had to go to work that Monday. Our next call from the agency was our worst. The birthmother had decided to keep the baby.

The next day was interminable. We couldn’t think about anything but the baby. Then we got yet another call. The birthmother had changed her mind again. We didn’t dare get our hopes up, but it was impossible not to. We couldn’t take seeing the baby again, if it wasn’t to be, so we didn’t leave home until everything was signed.

It was to be. He was even more beautiful than ever. We doubled two cell phone bills that day. This was our highest high. As hard as it was to go to work when we thought we weren’t getting him, it was so much harder for Justin to go to work that next day. It’s hard to leave with those big beautiful eyes looking back at you.

We named him Jason. He turned one month old the other day. It already seems like time is flying by. We wish we could capture every moment. Some people say that adopting a child isn’t the same. That’s nonsense. God creates us all. The feeling that elates you is viewing that new life. Looking at that fearfully and wonderfully made little man. Watching the wide eyed wonder through which he sees everything. We don’t understand it. Why do we feel so strongly for a child we just met? But, we do. We feel so strongly that we would do anything to protect him, to help him, to serve him, to be with him … anything.

It’s all worth it.