Monday, April 20, 2009

A father son evening...

Zoë has a bit of a fever and as a result missed Sunday evening services. Jason and I went and afterwards he wanted to practice church. So, I sat in the front pew and he got up on stage and led a song (mansions over the hilltop). It went something like this:
I have a mansion
I want to go there
I hope we make it
Next he asked me to get out my chapters. (My Bible?) Yes, everybody get out your chapters. (What chapter?) Uhhh, uhm... uh... uh... Batman chapter 2.

After a quick sermon (which I believe involved ninjas and a sword fight), he led a prayer, which went something like this:
Dear God,
Thank you for our blessings.
Thank you for [~~~unintelligible~~~]
So, the cycle continued like that for quite a while. Song, sermon, prayer, song, sermon, prayer. The songs eventually devolved. I believe the songs were:
  • Mansion Over The Hilltop
  • I'm Happy Today
  • Spiderman
  • The Theme From Superman (by John Williams)
  • Batman Ninja Fight
I suspect he was just making that last one up. The prayers however, actually got better. I told him he was doing good and that I bet he could do prayers for the food at our meals. So, then his prayer was:
Dear God,
Thank you for our blessings.
Thank you for [~~~unintelligible~~~]
Thank you for the food.
I then suggested that he should pray for Zoë to get better from being sick:
Dear God,
Thank you for Zoë...for her getting better...
Help Zoë getting better
Help my sister getting better
Thank you for the food
Then we went to McDonalds and had a vicious game of airhockey.



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