Friday, April 10, 2009

Baseball game was pretty sweet...

The Rangers and the Indians both have some pretty lousy pitching. That spells "High Scoring Game". In fact, they pulled the Indian's pitcher in the third inning after he'd already given up nine runs.

Jason doesn't like the fireworks, and he got his wish. It was too windy and dry for fireworks. In fact the stadium got a wave of smoke around the 8th inning, from grass fires.

Ranger's won 12 to 8. There were a ton of homeruns. Seven, if memory serves. The Indians got four, two of which were multiscoring and they still lost.

Jason got to play some of the outfield games. He hit off of a tee. He pitched. He hit off of a different tee. He pitched with a slingshot.

He liked everything...well everything except an overly friendly horse. The mascott rubbed his head as we were walking to get cotton candy. I think he thought it was me, but then turned and saw a ginormous horse man. He then became a wailing semi-permanent attachment to my leg.

He didn't even eat his cotton candy or watch the last two innings of the game. He just kept looking over his shoulder for horses.

We had two close calls with foul balls. The first one I would have had to jump for, and after last season's bruise, I was less vigorous. (I was still vigorous enough to get ketchup and mustard on my clothes. Stupid hotdog.) The second one; the guy sitting right behind Jason caught it. We had four others come into our section, but none of them were close.

I'm glad my only other day game is in's already getting hot.



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