Happy Halloween!
So, Halloween was a lot of fun. The kids got a bunch of candy
and really enjoyed dressing up. Jason liked to hold out his cape and say, in his deep gravely voice, "I'm BATMAN!!!"

Zoë loved being a mermaid, but apparently no one knew what she was. One old lady went so far as to try and correct Zoë after Zoë told her she was a mermaid. BAH! I guess the important thing is that Zoë knewe she was a mermaid and was happy with her costume.
The caption that should go with the first picture is a quote from Zoë "Look, Mom! EiiiYEBAaaaLLSss!!"
Halloween was a success overall. Unfortunatly, this morning, Zoë sniffed out where her Daddy had hidden the candy away and we have approximatly half the chocolate we used to.
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