Tuesday, October 07, 2008

9:30am wake up call

Well, I know we probably should have an earlier wake up time, but nevertheless, 9:30am is probably our normal wake up time.

However, this morning, Zoƫ came to me at 9:30am and said, "Daddy, I need a nap."


I said, "Okay honey, you can take nap." However, inside I said, "Oh no... How long have you been up and what have you been doing that you need a nap at 9:30am?

So far, I really only have one answer. We found that she had a tea party this morning. Did she use the fancy toy tea set she got for her birthday? No, she got her dishes out of the china cabinet; including some tiny salt and pepper shakers.

Well, best I can tell nothing was broken. We'll see if we find any other evidence of early morning happenings.


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