Tuesday, May 22, 2007

There's no 'i' in Tiberous

Well, okay...there is an 'i', but there aren't two, and there should be. I sent in the request to get Jason's birth certificate changed from

Jason Tiberous Timothy Carrell to
Jason Tiberius Timothy Carrell

Well, I saw that they cashed my check. (They being the Texas state government.) So, I called them up and said, "Hey, I noticed you cashed my check. Does that mean Jason's name got fixed?"

"Oh, no. They haven't assigned anyone to that form yet."

"Really, then who cashed the check."

"Oh, we cash those as soon as we receive them."

"Hmm, seems like you shouldn't cash the check until you do the work."

"Well, sir, I don't make those kind of decisions."

"No...no, I'm sure you don't."



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