Thursday, April 12, 2007

Another Dramatization

My kids are about one and a half. They have just recently learned the concept that plastic eggs have candy in them. So, my daughter finds a REALLY BIG EGG, and her eyes get huge. She cracks it open. Well, being the mean parents we are, she finds another plastic egg inside. She looks puzzled and cracks it open, only to find another egg. She cracks it open and finds a beautiful pink iridescent candy egg. She bit into it. It was not candy. It was just a fancy plastic egg. She slammed it down on the driveway, at which point it cracked open to reveal a brightly wrapped mini cadbury cream egg. She had slammed the plastic egg on our driveway...our sloped drive way. She sees it and runs after it.

Now, she's only a year and a half old. Slopes are still a complex feat. She made it about five feet before she fell. Her brother looks over..."Hey she fell down...HEEEEEEEEEEYYYYY a cadbury egg." She's back up and they are both running for the egg. It is at this time that my wife, sitting at the top of the yard taking pictures, and myself, at the far end of the yard getting a discarded easter basket realize...

Both of our kids are running full steam after a tiny egg that's seconds away from being in the street...

Well, we bolted and caught them both. We recovered the egg. All was well. But it's still amazing how fast a story can go from funny to scary...I suppose after the fact it's all funny.

So, here's another story I put on that other site. It is half true. That means (as it did in the other story), everything I mentioned here happened, it just wasn't necessarily consecutive, or in the same order.


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