Monday, November 13, 2006

Go Go Gadget ...

Well, I haven't taught him the word gadget yet, but here's the story.

I took Jason and the dogs for a walk the other day. Hmm, that sounds kinda weird. Anyhow, the girls (B&Z) were asleep and I wanted to walk the dogs. So, I had two leashes on one arm and a Jason on the other.
Btw, if you need something funny to think about, imagine Bonny trying to do this. Better yet, imagine Bonny leashing both dogs to the double jogging stroller, putting both kids in the stroller and hanging on for dear life. Hmm, maybe she could put on roller blades. I bet they could get going twenty or thirty miles an hour.

Well, the dogs aren't weaklings and if they both decide to pull hard it can jerk me pretty good. Jason didn't like these spurts of movement, and Jason doesn't really like animals very much. So, he was watching them very closely. If they got too close he'd make a disapproving noise to try and scare them off. I doubt the dogs even noticed.

So, the dogs don't know many commands, but they know stay and go. Stay means stop moving. Go means run like the rabbit has just been let out the gate. At each corner, on the way to the park, I'd have the dogs stay and once there were no cars in sight, I'd brace myself and say "go". Then the dogs would bolt about ten feet until they got to the end of the leash. I'd absorbe the blow and then start walking.

Well, by the time we made it to the park, Jason had this pattern figured out. So, every time the dogs got closer than he'd like, he'd say, "doe". What? 'g' is a hard letter!!! He'd say it in that deep baby baritone of his. Eventually, he got to where he'd just say it over and over again to make sure they stayed away. "Doe doe doe doe doe doe ... doe ... doe doe doe ..." Of course, the dogs had no idea. The dogs don't even respond to Bonny when she says it.

It's so weird to me that Jason is afraid of animals. He's not really into stuffed animals either, but at least he's not afraid of them. I had taken Jason to the nursery at church last night. He was getting in trouble for being loud during the sermon. Afterward, we just sat there for a while, and then he started looking at some of the toys around. At one point he spotted a relatively realistic looking owl. It was made of rubber and had its wings stretched out. He was totally freaked out. He came running to me. I picked him and the toy up and tried to show him that it was nothing, but he was having none of that. The toy had all of a seven inch wingspan and he would smack it out of my hand every time I picked it up.

Well, more later...



Blogger Kenneth P Woodruff said...

A quick reminder of what it looks like when Justin gets pwned by the dogs

14/11/06 7:22 AM  
Blogger Naffel said...

Oh the SHAME ! ! !

14/11/06 10:09 AM  
Blogger Annie said...

that is SOO FUNNY!!!

14/11/06 7:33 PM  

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