Thursday, November 09, 2006


That's how we've all been feeling. All of us got colds. I thought I might be in the clear, but then Jason climbed up on me and said, "Dada, AH CHOO" ... right in my mouth. The kids are actually doing much better. In fact, they are going to visit the zoo today.

But, that's not what this post is about. We have finally made it through all the legal junk that we have to do before the lawyer can get us on the docet. They are trying for a November 20th date. Bonny and I desperately want this completed this year, for both financial and piece of mind reasons. Please pray about this.



Blogger Emily said...

Okay, I hope this doesn't freak you out at all, but I found your blog about a month ago through the sister of my best friend (Maggie Inlow...connected to Amy Godknecht....connected to you....connected to the ankle bone....)

I was having a bad day at work and just decided to read blogs during my lunch hour and spent the entire time reading your incredible story from post 1 until the present. I'm sure people thought I was crazy because I was actually in tears in my office. You and Bonny are amazing. Anyways, I've been praying for you guys thought I'd finally say hi for real. I'll keep praying for that November 20th date and hopefully all the legal stuff will be over soon.

- Emily Tate

9/11/06 9:04 PM  
Blogger Emily said...

oops...sister in law. Same thing though.

9/11/06 9:05 PM  
Blogger Naffel said...

Thank you. We appreciate all the prayers we can get. Believe me, no one is praying harder than we are.


13/11/06 5:51 PM  

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