Sunday, July 16, 2006

Taking its toll...

Jason of course is quite tired of wires, hoses, needles and medicine. However, he's getting pretty good rest. At least they aren't doing the whole "Time to wake up and take your sleeping pill." thing.

Bonny and I are definitly showing wear. We have bags under our eyes and at least I am quite sick of driving between places. We are rotating in and out of the hospital.

Jason and Zoƫ are both quite upset that they don't get to see mom and dad at the same time (very often anyhow).

It's so obvious too. They are happy when they see either one of us, but when they see both of us, they are about ready to burst with happiness.

I almost had to kill someone the other day. They were trying to console someone going through a divorce and said, "At least the children are young enough that they don't realize what's going on."

ARGH!!! What? Are the kids a week old? Because if they are much mroe than that they know something's wrong. Maybe they don't realize all the complexities, but they know mom and dad aren't both around. Bah...

Well, I'm done sleeping, I MEAN WORKING...yes...working... Back to the hospital.


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