Thursday, March 30, 2006

Fwoosh, Bang, AHHHHHHH!!!!!

Well, that's one of the possibilites anyhow. We had our ticket draft tonight for Texas Ranger's season tickets. I bought 3 tickets. At two of the games there will be a fireworks show.

So, either the kids will love it or I'll be trying to bury their heads so they aren't spoiling it for everyone else.

That said, I may just take them to the September game. They'll be a little older then and it may not freak them out so bad.

We'll see.


Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Sleepy babies, sleepy daddy ...

I was not feeling well Sunday, nor yesterday. I slept alot trying to get over it. The babies just sleep a lot anyhow. It's kinda annoying to come home just in time for Zoë to go to bed. Jason will normally be up for a couple of hours, but I find myself staying up way to late.

Anyhow, Zoë has figured out pulling herself up as long as she has horizontals to grab on to. It won't be long before she figures out verticles and we'll have to put the top part of her crib wall up so she doesn't fall out.

Jason really does not seem motivated to learn self-locomotion. Why learn to crawl when a mommy or daddy will take you anywhere you want to go?

I'll write more later, but I'm swamped at work.


Passing of a friend.

There has been some debate as to whether Pleeble was a friend or a family member. I was told my mice were definitly NOT family members. But many people thought Pleeble to be more.

Pleeble passed last night. His death was unexpected and sadly tragic. He will be missed.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

So tired

Up early cause of kids.

Up late cause of company.

Zoë and Jason must think their parent have gone cross-eyed.

Anyhow, Zoë and Jason had another trip to the park the other day. I was at work :(, but I hear they enjoyed it.

I really don't have much to report. It's been a hectic week for me.


Perhaps...someone who's been spending more time with them lately should post.


Friday, March 17, 2006

Swings, Cars and Merry-Go-Rounds

So, we went to the park yesterday. Jason's still a bit small for this stuff, but he rode in mom's sling, like a little kangeroo. They went swinging, down slides and on the merry-go-round.

Zoë, on the other hand, got to do some stuff by herself. Most importantly, she got to ride in a toddler swing by herself for the first time. As long as I made noise to distract her, she thought it was pretty funning to be zooming in and out on dad's face. However, once she looked up or down she got pretty disoriented and kinda scared. I'd make noise again to distract her. Then it was alternating laughter with faces of terror. :)

boo hoo hoo woo hoo boo hoo hoo woo hoo boo hoo hoo

All in all, she really liked it. She got to sit with mom and brother on the merry-go-round. Once it stopped spinning she looked like the "Great Tiger" off of Mike Tyson's Punch Out (after his big attack, obviously).

However, the funniest thing, at least to her cruel parents, was that she was continually trying to climb in dad's shirt. It took us a while to figure out why, but then we saw it. She is terrified of vehicles. She'd be flapping her arms, 'talking' and looking around. Then when one of those big cars went by she'd bury her face in my chest and grab me so hard with her hands that I still have marks today. I know, I know...scared babies aren't funny. But you're wrong. It was quite funny.

It does lose a bit of something in the translation though.

I had a polo shirt on, with the buttons undone. At one point she got both of her arms all the way in my shirt and had her face against the skin of my chest. If she could have found a way to get all the way in my shirt she would have. Then once the car was gone, she'd pop back out like a prarie dog or something.


Okay okay posts...

I'll do the depressing one first...of course, it will appear second...hmmm...anyhow...

Things are moving more slowly than we thought with both of the adoptions. You know how we have to wait 6 months before we can finalize the adoptions. Well, it turns out those 6 months haven't started yet. The soonest they might start is the end of April. So, there is a good chance that Jason and Zoë won't officially be ours until 2007.

Also, in one of our letters to Zoë's birthmom, our decision to change Nayomi's name to Zoë was mentioned. This sparked ire in the heart of her birthmom. So, now she's back on the warpath. We're not sure what all the warpath will entail, but we know there is talk of a birthfather again.

So, keep all this junk in your prayers. It really doesn't seem like this should be this complicated.


Friday, March 10, 2006

Interesting Links

No posts...just links...

Busy busy busy

Sorry I haven't posted much. I'm crazy busy and Bonny is probably crazy busier. Maybe this will tide you over.


I can't wait till we can post movies of our kids...


Friday, March 03, 2006

Stuffs and Junks

Topic 1:
First, I think the thermometer may be worthless. It seems like the total due changes every month. And no, it's not what you think. Sometimes it goes down too. It makes it kinda hard to plan my budget.

Topic 2:
We got Zoë a sippy cup yesterday. She got to try it out this morning and hated it thuroughly. We'll have to try it again when she's less hungry. We ended up taking the valve out. I tried to use it with the valve in and it was difficult for me. So, I may have to see if there was a defect in it.

Anyhow, with the valve out, it flowed freely. But, the mouthpiece felt like something she should teeth on. So, she starts gnawing and milk goes everywhere.

Topic 3:
Speaking of milk (formula to be more precise), that stuff tastes nasty. Man, I got just a little in my mouth when trying to figure out what was wrong with the cup. Aww man, I thought I was going to barf. No wonder she loves her baby food that much. I dont' see how Jason can want the bottle over breast milk.

Topic 4:
Some of you folks have been asking us about the finalization of the adoption. Here's what I know. We can not begin the process of finalizing the adoptions until 6 months after the signing of the placement agreement. For Jason that is May 1st and for Zoë it is June 10th.

That said, that's just the beginning. It could be handled as quickly as one month. If complications occur, it could take much much longer. I would be quite happy if it was all done by the end of July.

There are several of our friends and family that have weddings, reunions, get togethers, etc. during the May-June-July time frame. All I can say is, I don't know wheather or when we will be available. It could easily happent that we show up somewhere and end up having to leave the event. We will try and avoid this as much as possible, but it is unwise to put the judge on hold.

Topic 5:
Thief!!! Apparently, Bonny was given Zoë and Jason a chance to play together. This still has to be a rather supervised event, because Zoë could easily hurt Jason. So, you lean Zoë close to Jason and if she makes a threatening move you pull her back real quick. Well, Zoë was learning to be gentle. So, Bonny leaned her closer and closer, and Jason's eyes got bigger and bigger. Then, YOINK. With a big sweeping arm movement Jason swipes the pacifier right out of Zoë's mouth.

Ha ha!!! Victory was his. :)

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Magnum PI

Well, maybe without the short shorts.

There is stuff in the works to hire a private investigator, to try and track down one of the birthfathers.

I really don't know any more than that, but like to keep everyone updated.

I'm certain that the cost will get passed on to us. So, I can only hope it won't take the PI long.
