Sunday, February 12, 2006

Fit to be tied.

So, Zoë hates to be strapped down. She doesn't like her rocking chair. She doesn't like her car seat. In fact, while you're feeding her, when she realizes that she's strapped into the high chair, she’ll stop eating and start pulling at the straps.

So, today, after church, we were driving, and Zoë starts throwing a fit. We can't figure out why. She's pulling at her car seat straps, but she knows that those straps have to be on in the car. She’s gotten used to them. We come to a stop, so I look back to try and calm her down; and then I see it.

Zoë is pushing with all her might to break free. You see, the overall type straps on her denim dress were trapping her. She had no idea why mom and dad had felt the need to put two sets of straps on her. She'd been good in the car. She didn't need to be doubly restrained. And, she was fighting with all her might to rid herself of these evil second straps.

When Bonny was dropping me off at work, I tried to hook the overall straps to the car seat straps, so she would view them as one. I suppose we’ll have to wait for a comment from Bonny to see how well that worked.



Blogger Annie said...

Smart move Justin

12/2/06 3:15 PM  

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