Thursday, February 02, 2006

Sheesh, I need to see my kids...

That said; I'm happy to announce that I should be getting exempt overtime soon. No, that doesn't mean I can stop working overtime. But it does mean I can work it during the week, so I should get my weekends back to be with my family.

The other thing I need to do is, stop drinking caffeine. That way, we can all go to bed around 9 or 10pm. As can be seen by the following graph, it didn't work out so well last time I tried to quit. From left to right, it is the hours since I started my caffeine fast. I stopped on January 9th. On the 16th, I had one 12oz can of Dr Pepper as a reward for not going nuts at a birthmother meeting. That would be the first blip on the radar. Addict that I am, I then convinced myself that it would be okay to have one can a week, and I had one on Saturday. Then on Monday I said. "Hey, it's a new week." And I was never clean again.

Now the halflife of caffeine in the human body is six hours. So, the crash at the end is what would happen if I stopped drinking caffeine this very second. (We'll see.) The last of it would be out of my system about noon on the 5th.

[[click to enlarge]]

Bleh, I'm such an addict.


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