Saturday, February 11, 2006

Busy Day

Yesterday was pretty busy. We got a call Thursday evening letting us know that Reka's sister was getting transferred to Florida. Since Reka lives with her, Reka is also moving. They wanted to see Zoë again before they moved, on the 17th.

Well, the agency was having an orientation session families wanting to adopt. They figured we could come up and tell our story at that, and meet with Reka and Rhonda. So, I begged off work, and we headed up there. (Incidentally, I shouldn’t have to beg to get my off Friday off.)

Everything went really cool. There was a birthmother and another adoptive couple who also spoke at the orientation. I was probably nervous and rambling, but people focused on the kids anyhow. We just hung out at the agency for a while, because Rhonda didn’t get off work till five.

Then, we met, unsupervised, with Reka and Rhonda, at a McDonald’s. (That’s right. I used four commas.) I was nervous, like I always am, but it was unwarranted. The meeting went really well; even better than last time. We managed to get the kids to nap in between orientation and the meeting. So, they were much less cranky and much more alert.

Oh, Zoë officially crawled last night. I may have to take a break from overtime one of these weekends and help Bonny do a major cleaning of the house. We’ll probably have to get one of these baby fences this weekend.

I’ve been told that I’m not given enough updates on Jason. :) Well, he’s doing stuff. It’s just harder to put into words. He’s beginning to understand that he has control over those little hands that show up every so often. He’s begun gripping toys, but not really playing with them (at least not on purpose). I think we may start him on baby cereal soon. That may mean we can start to wean him off of formula.

Oh, I don’t know who all knew about our planned trip to Northwest Arkansas. But it has been postponed because of me not getting to work on Friday. I just realized I can’t do it in two weeks either. So, we may be trying for just a one week postponement. We’ll see.



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