Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Jumpy much?

So, the stage is set. It is 9:30AM. Justin got to work about thirty minutes ago. Bonny, last Justin knew, was in bed.

Justin steps away from his desk for about twenty seconds. When he gets back Wilfred tells him that he got a call. It's normally Bonny, so he calls home. It's busy. So, he calls the cell phone. Bonny doesn't pick up. He calls again. She doesn't pick up. About three minutes later he calls home again. It's still busy. He calls the cell phone again, but no answer. Three minutes later he calls the cell phone. Again, there is no answer. He calls the home phone and finally gets an answer.

Justin - "Hey, did you try and call me?"
Bonny - "No."
Justin - "Who were you talking to?"
Bonny - "Your mom. She tried to call you."

... now before we go on, Bonny's perspective.

Bonny gets a call from Ann Carrell. Ann mentions she tried to call Justin at work. They continue talking. And then the cell phone rings. But Bonny is on the bedroom phone that is not cordless. It goes to voice mail. About 10 seconds later it starts ringing again. She lets it go to voice mail again, but doesn't hear the sound indicating she got a message. About three minutes later, the cell phone rings again. Again, no message is left. About three minutes later, the cell phone rings again. She figures it must be important since the calls keep coming and gets off the phone with Ann. She gets the cell phone and sees that it was Justin calling each time. Just then the home phone rings...

Justin - "Hey, did you try and call me?"
Bonny - "No."
Justin - "Who were you talking to?"
Bonny - "Your mom. She tried to call you."
Justin - "Oh, okay."
Bonny - "Is that it?"
Justin - "Uhh, yeah."
Bonny - "You called my cell phone four times."
Justin - "Well, I thought I missed a call from you, then the home phone was busy. I didn't even think you were up. I thought you might have gotten some news. Then you didn't pick up the cell phone, so the call had to at least be important enough that you weren't saying, "Just a sec" and checking the cell."
Bonny - "I thought you had heard something. You called my cell phone 4 times in 7 minutes."

So, I could go on, but the point is we're a bit on edge. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, it really wasn't my intentions at all. I'll leave a message from now on.

11/8/05 12:18 PM  
Blogger Naffel said...

Not a big deal. It just yielded a funny result.

12/8/05 4:48 PM  

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