Sunday, December 21, 2008


Zoë saw this picture, which was the shirt at woot, and said, "Pirates!!!"

"No baby, they're skeletons."


"Yeah, skeletons."

"Oh, yes, skelkakens. Look! They're building a tree."

I didn't bother explaining that one.


Is that a banger?

Zoë    - Is that a banger?
Justin - Yeah, it's a hammer. I bang nails with it.
Zoë    - Oh, I don't want you to bang my nails.

Zoë begins carefully examining the area just past her cuticles.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Basic Biology

Justin - Come on. We're going to the kitchen.
Zoë    - Okay, mommy.
Justin - Mommy!?! I'm not your mommy. You're my mommy.
Zoë    - Nooooo.
Justin - No?
Zoë    - No.
Justin - Where's my mommy?
Zoë    - She's over there. (pointing to the kitchen)
Justin - No, granny is my mommy. Did you know that?
Jason  - Yeah.
Justin - I was a little baby and I came out of granny's belly.
Jason  - Yeah.
Justin - And you know baby Julian?
Zoë    - I know him.
Justin - He came out of aunt Laura's belly.
Jason  - Yeah.
Zoë    - Oh.
Justin - And Rebecca; she came out of aunt Laura's belly too. And mommy...
Zoë    - Mommy?
Justin - Yes, mommy. Mommy came out of grandma's belly.
Zoë    - And I came out of grandpa's belly.
Jason  - I came out of daddy's belly.

Well, I'll try again later. :)


Tuesday, December 16, 2008




Well, at least it wasn't in the road. You really worry about that more than seems rational, but things like this just reinforce it. Zoë broke the slide off of their indoor swingset. No big deal. I'm working on fixing it. Then Zoë gets in trouble. They were supposed to be picking up toys before bed. She wasn't, so she went to bed early. I'm back in the kitchen working on something else. Jason goes, you fixed my slide?

Daddy - "Not yet."
Jason - "You fixed my slide!!!"
Daddy - "No...?"
Jason sprints towards the swingset.
Daddy - "STOP! Jason! Stop! STOP!"
Jason runs up the slide and it collapses. His legs keep moving like the Cyote running off a cliff, then WHAM!!! Face first into the swing set.

His teeth all seem okay. He cut the gum above tooth nine and has a very very fat lip. Later, without thinking about it he gave me one of his hard pecks (a manly kiss I suppose) and suddenly realized his error. I'll try to get some pictures up here.

Our camera's batteries are officially dead. Gonna have to buy some new ones.


Monday, December 08, 2008

Why aren't you posting?

Well, it's something like this

...except imagine the mom's missing a leg.


Monday, December 01, 2008

From my twitter.

naffel Back from Arkansas...1am. Jason, Zoë and I are sick. Jason and I are running fevers. Bonny had an accident on a 125cc scooter. 3 minutes ago from web

naffel Bonny has a sprained knee and can't walk. I sprained an ankle and dislocated a shoulder, but can walk and pick up kids. 2 minutes ago from web

naffel So, pretty typical vacation. I don't think I'm making it to work by 8am. 1 minute ago from web
