Monday, September 29, 2008

At church yesterday, we gave they each some money to put in the collection basket. Jason really enjoys it and was getting anxious. The conversation went like this:

Jason – “They got the baskets?”
Daddy – “No, they are getting the grape juice. It represents Jesus’ blood.”
Jason – “His blood?”
Daddy – “Yes.”
Jason – “He needs a bandaid.”


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Zoë's Birthday Teaparty

Ooh la la, REAL china for the birthday girl.

We all, of course, had to wear our fancy hats.

A beautiful bouquet. (mmm...bouquet...yum)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


So, I took the kids to the park yesterday. Zoë was playing with this race car wheel. Though, for her, it was a boat wheel. Probably on a Galleon. Because I'm pretty sure she was either Prince Eric, or, more likely, going to rescue prince Eric.

She got done with that and headed for the slides. A little girl (4 or 5) cheerfully said, "Hi!". Zoë replied, "Ahoy, there." The little girl seemed non-plussed. Perhaps she's seen the Little Mermaid 400 times this month, too.


Saturday, September 13, 2008

Playing with Ike

Well, we're stuck at home. But we got to go outside and play in the rain here as Ike is going by. I guess we'll have to reschedule.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Looks safe to me...


Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Attack combo - SBP

Alternate Title: up-up-down-down-left-right-left-right-B-A-select-start

For those of you unfamiliar with my master bathroom, there is a little halfwall next to the toilet, such that there is a cubbie for it. I'm standing there using the bathroom. Unbeknownst to be, a wall hugging ninja approached. Then I hear in a little girls voice, "Spanky booty pinch." At this point, four microscopic fingernails assault my bottom, and I hear footfalls and giggling fading into the distance.


Monday, September 08, 2008

I will not appologize for my right-thinkedness...

Thusly, I am proud of him.


Jason is used to medicine. (Far more used to it than any kid his age should be.) But, his medicine is mixed with syrup and is therefore rather sweet. So, when it's time to take the cough syrup; Zoë thinks it's candy and Jason thinks it's poison. How to explain it to us though...

Well, we know he doesn't like it. The gagging gave it away. Nevertheless, there I am. I have a cough medicine and koolaid.

Justin - Alright, look buddy, we'll have a little medicine and then koolaid, a little medicine and then koolaid. It'll be over really quick.

Jason - I don't want medicine.

Justin - I know, but it'll make you feel better. Come on man.

Jason takes 1ml of the medicine and makes an indescribably face.

Justin - Drink some koolaid.

Jason does and coughs a little.

Justin - Okay, take some more medicine.

Jason - No.

Justin - Come on man.

Jason - No, it's too tasty.

Justin - You can have koolaid after.

Jason takes some more and, 1 teaspoon of cough syrup and 1 cup of koolaid later, we are through.


That's right, tasty. "too tasty" As a partaker of cayenne, flavored with a little bit of chicken, I all too well know what it means for it to be too tasty.

This all leads to tell me that I think it's time to teach him how to work the grill. Not making it too tasty is the first lesson, and he appears to have that down.

