Monday, May 01, 2006

4 in the legs and 1 in the arm

But honestly, I think the arm was about 300 times worse than the legs. Jason got his six month shots today. For that, we lay him down. The nurse pins his legs and I hold down his arms. Painful, but really not a big deal. However at phlebotomy fun land, it was a different story. He's old enough that they go in the arm. It took 14 attempts. For this he sits on my leg. I pin his feet between my legs. I hold his body and arm with one hand. I cradle his head to my chest with the other. I talk to his. He cries and cries. On the 6th and 10th attempts he shrieked in pain. By the 12th and through out the rest of the even he just wimpered. He lost 8ccs of blood and about 4ccs of tears, all because he didn't weigh enough. The doctor gave us some tips to help beef him up. Hopefully, they will work.

Oh, and get this. They put the tourniquet on him and he begins crying. I could tell that, it alone was quite uncomfortable. It was pinching him in about 4 places. Then they pull out the needle. I comment, "Man that's a big needle." It looked to be to be about the size of his vein. The nurse says, "You going to be able to handle this." I wish Jason could have answered. I was wondering the same thing. I look down at Jason expecting him to be particularly wide eyed, but he is crying with his eyes almost closed. They I notice nobody is doing anything. I look at the nurse and say, "What?".

"Are you going to be able to handle this?"

"Me!?! Yeah, he's the one that's going to be having problems."

I guess some parents have problems with needles. I hadn't even realized what she was asking. I almost cried just from the fear, pain and helplessness, in his voice, but not from the needle.

After we were done, he stoped crying almost immediately. He was exhausted. He even stop wimpering. He just laid against my chest and let a few more tears fall. She jabbed and twisted the needle so much, that he's going to have a quarter sized bruise. It'll be so big it will wrap around his arm some. The labs never have good phlebotomists. I wish we had done it at the hospital. It would have taken that lady only one or two sticks...

I'm glad I did it rather than Bonny. I guess it's my instinct to shield from pain. Jason was getting the pain, any way you went about it. I could at least shield Bonny. There was only one door between Bonny and us, but she couldn't hear... They probably sound proof the rooms... :/

Ahh well, I'm in for a long day at work. I better get to it.



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