Monday, April 17, 2006

A half and two-thirds

Well, Zoƫ is 8 months today. Two-thirds of a year old. She has a second tooth poking out. They are her bottom two middle teeth. It's not much, but it's enough to get some decent sized bites of orange juice popcicles. Eight She may be walking by June. That's the next time we intend to go to Arkansas.

Jason doesn't seem interesting in such fancy things as movement and food. He hates being on his stomach, so has very little motivation to learn to roll over. He's getting a bit fussy wanting to be held all the time.

The other day I was trying to get him to go to sleep. I was laying in bed with him. I'd put a pacifier in his mouth and try and contain his limbs as best I could. But he wasn't very happy and kept trying to pull out the pacifer. Finally, I get to the other room and got some more pacifiers (we have at least 8). I put one in his mouth and he reached up with his left hand and pulled it out. I put one in his mouth and he reached up with his right hand and pulled it out. I put one in his mouth and he proceeded to bludgen himself about the face with the first two, not understanding why he couldn't get this thrid one out of his mouth. I laid back down next to him and he was right out.

Hmmm, but Jason is just about half a year old. He will be next Friday. It's facinating how much different the two of them's development is. Jason seems to be more detail oriented. I wonder if that's why he's not getting into new stuff. Maybe he thinks he hasn't explored the stuff he's already discovered, enough...

I wonder if I was like that. I don't remember very much from before I was three...

Bleh, stupid SPEs...


Blogger Amy Godknecht said...

I know a kid who sleeps with a paci in each hand and one in her mouth. Even though I am not thrilled Autumn sucks her thumb, it is quite convenient!

18/4/06 12:02 PM  

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