Friday, April 28, 2006

Old Man

That's right. Our resident miniture old man is half a year old today. I'm not sure why the banner shows, 6 months and a day.

At any rate, he starts getting an "allowance" now. And when there's enough, we'll open him up an account.

He is growing up. He's starting to go down for the night more quickly...which still means about half an hour, but hopefully that will improve.

I've got to save up some cash for a more permanent crib for him. I'm not sure whether that or a bigger car seat for Zoë will be first.


Justin and Bonny's secrets???

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Are you like me?

Do you keep thinking: Someday Bonny will post. Someday Bonny will post. Someday Bonny will post.

Well, I only have half a coffee break for this one, so here goes.

Bonny's Great-Grandmother died last week. We went up to Missouri for the funeral. The service was heartfelt and concise, exactly what a funeral service should be. It was then followed by the whole family getting together back at Grandma and Grandpa's house. We enjoyed each other's company and enjoyed remembering.

We also enjoyed the country side. It's nice to go on hikes up in the Ozarks. I can't wait till I can take the kids.

Anyhow, the kids. The kids didn't really care for the trip, but who can blame them. Those car seats do not have much padding, and we had 21 hours of driving, and while actually on the trip people just passed them around. So, when we made it back home, they did a spot check to make sure everything they expected to be there was in fact there.

Bed - check
Blanket - check
Toys - check

Then they were out like lights.

Zoë's learning her balance. I think her record for standing with no support is about 2 seconds and her average is only one, but she's getting a handle on it. She's also learning the art of climbing, but that tends to lead to frustration and crying.

They were both really excited to see me when I got home yesterday, even more than usual. I'm not sure what the deal was, but I wasn't questioning it.

We're trying to decide what to do for Mother's day, with regards to the birthmothers. We currently don't have one of their addresses and the other doesn't want their situation advertised, so we can't send anything big.

Welp, breaks over...

Bleh, SPEs ... do we do anything else.


Monday, April 17, 2006

A half and two-thirds

Well, Zoë is 8 months today. Two-thirds of a year old. She has a second tooth poking out. They are her bottom two middle teeth. It's not much, but it's enough to get some decent sized bites of orange juice popcicles. Eight She may be walking by June. That's the next time we intend to go to Arkansas.

Jason doesn't seem interesting in such fancy things as movement and food. He hates being on his stomach, so has very little motivation to learn to roll over. He's getting a bit fussy wanting to be held all the time.

The other day I was trying to get him to go to sleep. I was laying in bed with him. I'd put a pacifier in his mouth and try and contain his limbs as best I could. But he wasn't very happy and kept trying to pull out the pacifer. Finally, I get to the other room and got some more pacifiers (we have at least 8). I put one in his mouth and he reached up with his left hand and pulled it out. I put one in his mouth and he reached up with his right hand and pulled it out. I put one in his mouth and he proceeded to bludgen himself about the face with the first two, not understanding why he couldn't get this thrid one out of his mouth. I laid back down next to him and he was right out.

Hmmm, but Jason is just about half a year old. He will be next Friday. It's facinating how much different the two of them's development is. Jason seems to be more detail oriented. I wonder if that's why he's not getting into new stuff. Maybe he thinks he hasn't explored the stuff he's already discovered, enough...

I wonder if I was like that. I don't remember very much from before I was three...

Bleh, stupid SPEs...

Monday, April 10, 2006

Chew You Up and Spit You Out

Bonny and the kids were over at Daph's and they were having a meal. Zoë had eatten earlier, but was definitly feeling left out. She would pull up on their pants legs "begging" for food. Although, she wasn't really sure about how to beg. Finally, she decided that she would show she was eating too, and definitely needed some more food. She looked up at them and began chewing, just like they were. She looked up at each of them and chewed away on the nothingness in her mouth. A funny side effect is that she now chews her baby food. Just from watching her, the order seems something like this. Mouth Open --> Mouth Closed --> Swallow --> Chew Chew Chew So, this undoubtedly will lead to problems when she tries to eat more solid foods. Until then, she will dutifully chew her thuroughly blended food.

And why shouldn't she be chewing? After all, as of this last week, she has a tooth. Bottom left central incisor... Number 24 to be precise...

More later,

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Movie Test





Well, not yet, but maybe soon.

I'm testing with pictures first.

Call me for id and password.




No, more terrified than that.

Well, that's closer.

The point is... We learned something new yesterday. We knew Zoë was scared of cars, but she's TERRIFIED by F-18 Hornets roaring over head a mere 100 feet away (well, probably 200).

Normally, the planes circle west over White Settlement and the lake. However, they are preparing for an air show. That means they practice turning left. So, every 15 minutes an F-18 would go by at about 500 feet. Then another two minutes later. Then another 2 minutes later. Then four go by at about 30 second intervals at about 200ft.

So, for those of you that don't know, just east of the air base is the building at which we attend church. We had our discussion in bible class punctuated by afterburner. Afterward, we exited the building to let folks lock up. It was about that time that the third of the 2 minute planes went by. Jason's eyes got bigger and bigger. But that was it for him. Zoë on the other hand had her eyes get bigger much faster than Jason's. Then her arms started shaking, she clutched the side of her carrier, and before it had even gotten to its loudest she let out a blood curdling scream, followed by much crying. The problem then was that we had two babies in carriers, our bags and bibles and stuff. We had about 200ft of ground to cover and only 2 minutes before 4 more jets would be coming over.

We didn't make it.

Zoë's entire head turned red she was so tensed up and screaming so hard. I covered her ears so it wouldn't be as loud, but when a jet is that close, it really doesn't matter. You can feel it shake your organs inside your rib cage. I've been close enough to feel the heat off an F-16 afterburner, and it was no more powerful feeling than what we experienced last night.

Three more jets had gone by before we got the kids situated in the van.

She got over it, of course, but this practically guarentees that she'll be screaming when we take them to the fireworks in September. Jason, on the other hand, will probably think its some overgrown video game, and love every minute of it.


Monday, April 03, 2006

Oh, and BTW

The numbers on the thermometer (to the right) have just gone down. It's very confusing. I know. But suffice it to say, my short term payments got bigger, my longterm total got smaller and it all may change next week.

Who knows,


I may be getting some webspace I can play with soon, that can be password protected. That would be intensely cool. I could put movies and full resolution pictures up.

More later.