Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Yeah, so what about pictures...

Well, for legal reasons we can't post pictures in a public forum until the baby is adopted by us. In Texas that can't happen for 6 months after the termination court date. The termination papers have been signed. Presumably the court date will be in the next week or two. That would put the adoption court date around the May time frame. I'm gonna print out a few pics on regular paper that I can show around for now. I have to go through and edit some before I can show them in a non-public forum. It's very convoluted.

I'm gonna get with a friend that has a really good printer and try and get some photo quality ones printed soon.

I probably will be at church tonight. I'll bring some pictures then. I'm sending some pictures with my mom and some with Bonny's mom for people in that neck of the woods.

Jason and Bonny will stay home tonight. We were supposed to have a doctor's appointment on Monday, but we didn't have him then, so it is scheduled for tomorrow. He'll get some shots then, and should be cleared to be out in public. He's probably fine to be out now, but mom is rather cautious.

Anyhow, I have to check into it, but I may be allowed to post pictures online as long as they can’t be identified as being related to Jason, Bonny or myself. So, they would probably be put on some anonymous photo bucket account. I have to check if it is legal first. I don’t want to buck the system after things are finally starting to look stable.

More later,


Blogger Naffel said...

Well, the printer is out of cyan. So, he keeps coming out as some weird red demon baby. But I'll have my laptop at church.

2/11/05 5:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goodness, I have edited my post on the BST forum so many times, I don't think I could ever crawl out of my self-inflicted confusion. I blame Naffel.

I just wanted to say congratulations you two. I've been checking in on you both regularly and that's no easy feat for someone such as me :) And then I really blew myself away and figured out how to post on your site!

I imagine you're both walking on air right now, and you so deserve it. Braddux and I wish you both the very best, and lots and lots of very bests with your little guy. I hope you've already begun teaching him how to use a mouse! ;)

Lots of hugs - and some snuggles for Marygold,

Alanah & Braddux

2/11/05 6:40 PM  
Blogger Naffel said...

I don't know about walking on air. More like piled on the couch, trying to get a cat nap whenever we can.

I got a whole 4 hours last night. An entire hour more than the night before. Woo Hoo.

3/11/05 9:17 AM  

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