Saturday, October 29, 2005

Out of the Hospital, Into the Hotel

Five fifty-five in the AM. Normally I would consider this an atrocious time, but considering I just got a rousing 5 hours of sleep. I'm doing pretty good.
I'm not sure what is posted, since the cyber-nanny style firewall is blocking Probably pinging off some porn blog. At any rate, he was released from the hospital about 10:40pm last night. He is a very calm baby. If he cries, he actually has a reason. I'm just starting to get a feel for the different styles of crying he has. He's very alert. He has pretty strong neck muscles, and cranes around to get a better look at ya, occasionally. He's got the concept of eyes down pat. The first night, I was on baby duty. I was in a hospital bed, in a courtesy room, and he was in a bassinet beside me. If he wanted something, he would stare at me. When I opened my eyes he would start into the crying. Again, he was crying for something legitimate; food, diaper, burping ... something. But he wouldn't bother unless my eyes were open.
I couldn't sleep though, so my eyes were open a lot. I only got about 2 hours that night.
Today, we are in a courtesy hotel near the hospital. Bonny had duty tonight, but I doubt either of us are going to get sleep for a while. He seems to think 5:30 AM is the time the day should begin. The hotel is pretty nice. They have some weird rules, because they are trying to get costs down. For instance, you can't eat in your room. But they have a pretty nice kitchen area we can hang out in.
Hmph, stupid security settings are so high on this computer, it won't even let me access disk drives. That includes my thumbdrive. Ah well, the lawyer says I'm not allowed to post photos right now anyhow. It's got nothing to do with the birthmother, just some weird loophole that he's trying to avoid.
Well, anyhow, we are still on pins and needles. Last night, the birthmother was spending time with the baby. It seemed like an eternity. I should have been sleeping, since it was the first chance I had where I wasn't up every half hour tending to some need. But I couldn't. My brain kept thinking, "If you go to sleep they can sneak out. Must stay alert." Which naturally makes no sense. In fact, did you know they tag babies with magnetic ankle bracelets. If you try to leave they set off alarms, like a CD at Walmart or something. Speaking of Walmart, I've got to head over there. We were burrito wrapping him, but he likes to have access to his hands. So, I've got to get some of those mits to keep him from scratching himself.
There was paperwork last night, and even more today. He was born at 6:28pm 10/27/2005, so the paperwork can't be signed until that same time tonight. By the time that's done, notarized and back where it needs to be, it will probably be 9 or 10pm, putting us back home around midnight.
The baby goes to the signing and we don't. That's kinda weird, and I doubt I'll get any sleep while he's gone. I'll be worried about him never coming back. And while that isn't an entirely unreasonable fear, it would be much better for my health if I could just sleep then.
But then again, all this stuff is weird. We don't go to the first two court cases either.
Well, I better get back to the room before Bonny thinks I've abandoned her to the sea of dirty diapers.
More later,


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