Thursday, August 30, 2007


Zoë took it upon herself to wake up Jason this morning. She had been in our bed. She got up, opened our door, opened Jason's door and woke him up. Well, he had to go potty when he woke up, but he was in a cage.

When I got him up he wanted shoes. Mommy said he had to change his di-poo first. (For those that don't know, that's what Jason originally called his diaper.) So, he fusses a little and finally lets her. She takes his shorts off and changes his diaper. Then the conversation went like this.

Jason - "Shoes?"

Mommy - "You ready for your shoes?"

Jason grabs one of his shoes and holds it and a foot up.

Jason - "Shoes!"

Daddy - "Other foot buddy."

Mommy - "Come closer."

Jason moves forward presenting his other foot.

Mommy puts his shoes on.

Jason - "Shoes."

Jason examines his lower half, admiring his shoes.

Jason - "Oh Noooo!"

Jason further's his examination.

Jason - "Pants!?"

Jason looks around.

Mommy - "Did we forget your pants?"

Jason spots his pants and head for them.

Jason - "My pants !?!"

Jason grabs the pants and flops over on his back to have them put on.

Mommy puts Jason's pants on him.

Jason reexamines himself. Satisfied, he gets up ready to face his day. :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

You'll never guess what Zoë saw in the kitchen today.


Monday, August 20, 2007



Fish, fish, fish, fish...





Saturday, August 18, 2007

Richer than us...

Well, along with social security numbers came the ability to open savings account. I gave them all their money and they deposited it. They have more spending money than we do. Alas, what can you do?

Jason's Money$183.12
Zoë's Money$193.50



Too many tickers...

Well, I figured that, by the time they were five, you'd bring up the sight and just see birthday tickers. So, I've put expired ones at the bottom and kept the current one at the top.


Friday, August 17, 2007

In honor of her birthday, a post by Zoë.

jjjjjjjjjed7 7e zsx b egg nhjm lllllllll kkklgklg0 ;;;ccccl;;;;;;;;;;;ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccm l 4uuter3 bbbbbbbbbb mepedddddlllllllllllll.........................................lllllllllllllllllllllllllll mjmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

You can't even comprehend how cute this is.

Yes, I stole it too...


Well, I learned two things today...

First, Jason and Zoë think that mom, mama, mommy, ma, mum, ma maw and Bonny, all mean the same thing. Which, I suppose, for them they do. However, it's funny to think about Zoë walking up to eighteen month old Jessa at church and asking her where her Bonny is.

Second, I don't think Jason had really seen a train before. He'd been scared by the whistle, but in the car they can't see out the windows that well and in the van they weren't tall enough until recently. We got to the tracks just as one was showing up. He was amazed. It just went on and on forever. Seventy-three cars later (yes I counted) he stared after it and as we drove across the tracks he said, "bye train".


Thursday, August 16, 2007

Zoë's timing's off...

Zoë's been fussing and fevering for almost a week now, and today I spotted the cause...her first "two-year" molar. Doesn't she know her birthday's tomorrow?


Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Wet Face #3

The waterslide of DOOM!

My kids are socially secure...

That's what social security means, right?

Well, not likely. If the dollar doesn't collapse, I'm pretty sure social security will.

That said, my kids are not fully federally recognized and document US Citizens, with social security cards and everything.


P.S. I really, really think this was the last thing. They are officially everything which they officially need to be.

Woo Hoo

Wet Face #2

Prelude to a wet face.

Monday, August 06, 2007

But...I thought we were home...

Poor Jason. He took a long trip today, and I wasn't there at the other end. Sadly, I was in a meeting when Bonny and he called. I could hear him crying in the background.

Come home ! ! !


Thursday, August 02, 2007

Wet Face

Water in the face: the dark side of kiddie pool play.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

