Tuesday, January 23, 2007

This is unreasonably cool.

Watch the Jet Man video.


Monday, January 22, 2007


I steal from the rich and give to the poor.

This was taken today at Me-maw and Pa-paws house. Jason really seemed to like this song. Watch and judge it for yourself!

Friday, January 19, 2007

King of the "Mountain"

Zoë the Pirate

Yes, she's holding a snow ball

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Saturday, January 13, 2007

Down The Pants

Well, Zoë either caught what I had, or got a brand new stomach bug. At any rate, she celebrated by getting up on the couch next to where Bonny was and barfing down the back of her pants.

She barfed about 6 times yesterday, but as far as I know hasn't today and seems to be doing much better.


Friday, January 12, 2007


First, I got dog sick on Saturday and am really only just starting to feel human again. So, sorry for not posting.

Second, Bonny's cousin Zach was in a really bad car wreck. Last we heard he was in ICU and was not expected to move to a regular room any time soon. He has a very severe head trauma, and the family would appreciate all prayers.


Friday, January 05, 2007

When your kids become richer than you...

It's sad really. Used to, a kid would grow up and become an adult. The parents would retire, and their fixed income would eventually mean the kid was more well off than the parents. When will my kids become richer than me? Well, it won't be long. My unsecured debt basically cancels out my retirement savings, and my house has basically no equity...AND I still owe on the kids... Hey, that's it ... maybe they owe me money. :)

No, probably not.

I'll be glad to go home today, the first week after vacation is a beating. I'll just hang out with Bonny and the kids and let the sickos infect me.


Thursday, January 04, 2007

Who's the parrot?

Well, we are bird sitting. A friend of ours' grandmother died. We are birdy sitting their cockateel ... cockateal ... cocka... oh nevermind, you know what I mean. Luckily, when it gets dark the bird gets quiet. All, I know is, when I got up to take my shower, it was making noises far louder than I ever want to hear at that time of the morning.

Zoë, on the other hand, loves it. She'll stand by the table looking up into its cage. When ever it makes a sound she'll mimic it. If it gets quite she'll sing to it. Then the bird will squalk talk back. Bonny says it's cute. I say, it would be cute, if it wasn't so piercingly loud and annoying.

It's only a matter of time before there's bird seed on the floor and we find the kids eating it.



I have a whole house full of them.

I think Jason and Zoë are closer to being over it than Bonny. This is actually the first time I've ever been the only one in my family not sick.

Yesterday, Bonny was just a lump by the time I got home from work. She was on the couch and was drifting off. Occasionally, she'd wake up with a start. I'd say, go to bed. And she'd say okay, and immediately go back to sleep.

I should be doing december pictures and letters for the birth mothers this weekend, and will be able to throw some more pics on the blog.


Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Stuff, stuff and more stuff

Well, we had a really good vacation. It wasn't long enough, but it never is. We got to see Tristan, out nephew. He's smiling a lot and is very curious about the world around him. Bonny is positive that she's his favorite. We got to see Becka (or is it Beckah...or am I just wrong) for the first time, without a bunch of tubes on her. She quickly discovered what a nice bed I made...all kids seem to figure that out pretty quick. Tristan cried both when I and when Bonny tried to hand him back to his dad.

The kids thought Becka and Tristan were pretty facinating, but they got bored quickly, because they were always being told to stop and be gentle. It's much more interesting to play with Alex. He initiates screaming contests. He teaches you how to jump on the bed. He shows you were the mice live... /shudder

Let's see. Tom is married. Bonny's parents are almost done moving to Conway.

We got a letter from Reka (Zoë's mom). I personally am approching it with a bit of trepidation. We'll probably call and/or meet with her again.
