Saturday, September 30, 2006

Absolutely Nothing

Friday, September 29, 2006

Two down, One to go.

Or perhaps it's four down, two to go. Anyhow, the hearings finally happened. We've only been waiting four and a half months. So, now we are just waiting on a finalization hearing. We have one more home visit that has to happen before then. So, if any of ya'll feel like coming over and helping spit shine the castle, you are more than welcome.


Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Walking, what is it good for?

Well, apparently it's good for entertainment. I mean, walking is no good for getting somewhere. Look at it. It's slow, wobbly, and never seems to go in a straight line. It is obviously inferior to crawling.

But I get so much attention when I do it, and they clap and make a bunch of noise. It sure is a lot of fun having the whole room looking at me. It sure is tiring though.


Monday, September 25, 2006

See Bonny Post. Post Bonny, Post.

Well, maybe not.

Anyhow, I haven't posted in a long time... And there's a very good reason. I feel awful. I don't know what happened, but I've felt lousy for the last 3 weeks. I've missed a lot of church and a ton of work. I don't know what's up.

But, in one of me less feelings of awful, Bonny, Jason, Zoë and I, went to a ball game. It was the last home night game of the Ranger's season, so they had fireworks. The fireworks didn't start until about 10:20pm, so the kids were pretty tired. Mainly they just stared. Occasionally, their eyes would get big, or Zoë would go, "Whoah!", or however you spell it. Jason was impressed and always sat up and looked around when they did the fireworks that wrap around the stadium. Being surrounded by fireworks in an interesting feeling. Jason did fall asleep toward the end and I didn't have the heart to keep him awake. He did wake up for the end though. They did about 40 of those really loud bright ones during the finally, so he got to see most of it. Jason and Zoë fell asleep pretty fast when we got back to the car.

I'll post more when I'm feeling better. And who knows, maybe Bonny will post.


P.S. Btw, our new court date is the 28th, so keep those prayers coming.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Time Lapse Photo???

No, I think even as a time lapse photo you couldn't tell the thermometer is moving. Well, it is !!! So, ha. We've only got $7100 in the green and $7000 in the pink.

Sadly, medical stuff is slowing us down for the time being. We're hoping that come the beginning of the year we can accelerate our payments. It may be that we have to do it sooner than that... We'll see.


Friday, September 08, 2006


Thursday, September 07, 2006


Now that that's out of my system.

I haven't posted in a while, because I was on vacation. And, I'm sorry (well, not really sorry), but I just didn't care much about the internet while I was on vacation. So, a lot has happened. Jason learned to crawl. He was starting to learn in the hospital, but he was in his tiny little crib all the time, so he learned to pull up more than he did how to crawl. He got to where he liked to be up on his feet. So, when he was learning to crawl he tried to crawl on his hands and feet. This of course meant his little booty was poking up in the air. This didn’t provide much balance, so he’d fall over a lot. Finally, he decided that he’d drop to a knee and that would give him is balance. Yes, drop to a knee. So, now he crawls on his hands, one knee and one foot. He uses the foot to pull himself along and drags the knee to keep his balance. It’s pretty cute and works for him. So, it’s all good.

Zoë isn't quite sure what to think of all this buisiness. Used to, she could grab a toy and take it a few feet away to protect it from him. Now, he'll just come over and take it. I more than once have caught her dropping her toy just to come over and steal his. He'll try and get it back but fail. So, he'll go over and take the toy she dropped. Then she goes, "Hey!!!", and drops her toy and goes and takes his. So, he goes back to his original toy. Normally, I get her in trouble for that, but I wanted to see what would happen if it went on for a while.

Zoë is going to be quite the swimmer, I think. She did like to drown herself about eight times in the pool, but she got to where she'd flap her arms and do her little frog kick. I'd put my hand on her back and she'd actually make good distance under her own power.

So, the court date got postponed again. Not much to say there, except we'll keep you posted.
