Saturday, August 26, 2006

We're not home!!!

But we're not in the hospital either. :)

We're on vacation. We left Thursday and won't be back for a while. Just thought I'd let ya'll know that I won't be posting for a while. Bonny also won't be posting, but then again...when does she. >:(


Saturday, August 19, 2006

... ... ...

Well, we aren't any less tired today. We had Zoë's birthday party today. Bonny spent most of last night and this morning working on it. I had to work this morning. And tame the yard this afternoon.

The party was great. Zoë got lots of presents that she and several in attendance enjoyed. There was another cake for Zoë to defile herself with. And yes there will be pictures forthcoming. I have to work on things like paying bills first. Speaking of which, I need to go check the mail.

More tomorrow.


Friday, August 18, 2006

We're home!!!

And if we weren't all about to pass out I'd write more. I'll write some tomorrow...

Man I'm tired.


Thursday, August 17, 2006

A Phone On Each Ear

I was in the case manager's office on Jason's floor of the hospital. I had the Cook Children's Home Medical Supply on the case manager's phone on my right ear and my Aetna Health Insurance on my cell on my left ear. I told them both I wasn't hanging up until we had it sorted all out. Well, it took over two hours, but I finally got everyone seeing eye to eye. I even got the Medical Supply to loan us one of the units until the one our insurance company is buying arrives. So, I got a guarantee that Jason is going home tomorrow.


Of course tomorrow could mean 11pm, but it is tomorrow nevertheless.



One year old. That's crazy. Pics to come.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Paperwork Papershmork

or shmirk...hmmm

Anyhow, stupid insurance paperwork is prolonging the stay. It's looking like Thursday will be the soonest possible release date.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

More news

Well, they increased a dosage of one of his medicines today. They are going to observe him a few days and we should still be on track for leaving this weekend. We have to renew our CPR and defibrilator training, and we actually have to get the defibrilator. We're also getting a heart monitor for him to use while he sleeps.

I'm looking forward to having everyone back at home. Once Jason gets free of all his trappings, I think he may learn to crawl pretty fast. He's pulling up now.

He also got a new tooth, and has started showing signs of a fourth. That will give him is 4 front teeth. He'll look like Bugs Bunny or something.


Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Oh Flecanide You Cruel Mistress

Well, Jason's doing pretty well. The doctors are talking about a release date of the end of the week, but they've said that before. So, we are not going to get our hopes up too much, but it's hard not to.

I printed off an EKG strip the other day and he had 16/24 regular beats. So, 66%. But at times he's much lower, and when he's asleep he sometimes gets higher.

Anyhow, that's the update. They are getting us a defibrillator for home. It's a bit freaky to think about, but it will be good to have around.

Jason's actually taking his medicine quite well now. He still tries to bat you away with his hands, but he opens his mouth for it and swallows good. He's so mature for his age, it's ridiculous.

Well, I'm actually at work in a class right now, so that's all I'll write.

[[Keep those prayers coming. :) ]]

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Dirty little fingers...

I know my father-in-law knows what I'm talking about...

Thursday, August 03, 2006

What to say?

I haven't posted much, because it's hard to know what to say. Not much is happening. They are trying a new medication, but it's still just wait and see stuff. Anyhow...I thought I should write something...

There you go...