Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Oh Flecanide You Cruel Mistress

Well, Jason's doing pretty well. The doctors are talking about a release date of the end of the week, but they've said that before. So, we are not going to get our hopes up too much, but it's hard not to.

I printed off an EKG strip the other day and he had 16/24 regular beats. So, 66%. But at times he's much lower, and when he's asleep he sometimes gets higher.

Anyhow, that's the update. They are getting us a defibrillator for home. It's a bit freaky to think about, but it will be good to have around.

Jason's actually taking his medicine quite well now. He still tries to bat you away with his hands, but he opens his mouth for it and swallows good. He's so mature for his age, it's ridiculous.

Well, I'm actually at work in a class right now, so that's all I'll write.

[[Keep those prayers coming. :) ]]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So pleased that he's doing well enough to plan on going home soon. :)

9/8/06 12:08 PM  

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