Monday, June 26, 2006

Busy Busy Busy

Even busy when we play. Trying to fit 3 hours of play in a half hour bag.

So, there is much to tell. I'll try and keep in chronological.

Jason is doing pretty well. They have him on a stool softener. They've also thickened his formula. They still don't have a cause but are treating the symptoms. So, in short he's eating and pooping more, as all babies should. This has had the pleasant side effect of making him more active. He's quickly mastering rolling over. I'd say two months max before he's crawling. He's also in much better spirits. So, considering how much he smiled before, he's smiling all the time now. However, he likes being left alone even less than before. He doesn't care for messy diapers (who can blame him), but now he has several more. And since he's more active, he wants someone with which to be active.

Zoë is also more active. Can you believe it? She'll be walking when ever she feels like it. She's prefering to focus on climbing now. She has no problems getting onto the couch and into and out of medium sized boxes. She seems to really like her toy box. She doesn't mind just sitting in it for extended periods of time. I'm sure I was just a weird when I was a kid. We are trying to find time and man power for getting her room ready. We moved those really heavy wooden shelves to the garage. So, we need to sketch and paint and then move all the furniture in.

Jason's proceedure went fine. They called it a surgery, but that would be using the loosest definition possible. He wasn't put under or anything, and he didn't even cry during it.

Oh, we did finally do his haircut. I know. I know. I'm supposed to have pictures. I'm working on it, but as I said, busy busy busy...

Jason has a kidney appointment this week. And, if I understood correctly, there are two court cases today for the termination of parental rights. We'll give updates when we hear more.

Okay, so I was sick yesterday. (Not doing to well today, but anyhow.) Bonny was heading to church with the kids. Well, she was running late and missed morning services. So, she was there just in time for worship. But when she got there everyone was leaving the building. They had worship an hour early. Someone stole the compressors out of the church building air conditioners. It was less than comfortable inside. When people showed up for class, they decided just to have worship and cancel the rest of services for the day. I personally think whoever did it wouldn't have even thought to do it, if they hadn't gotten the idea off of the evening news. Sometimes I think the news does more harm than good.

Anyhow, I told ya that story to tell you this one. Bonny decided to go to church in Arlington that evening. Well, apparently, Zoë was quite aware that I wasn't there. She decided that meant she could get away with more. That was when she transformed into a little monster. The situation was catalized by the fact that Bonny had only made it out of the house with one pacifier, and the fact that she's at a church where she doesn't know too many people. This all climaxed at the last song (which wasn't the last song). Jason got his bottle. Zoë was outragged. Where was her bottle. Nevermind the fact that she had eaten only and hour and a half ago. Well, Bonny mixed up a bottle. While Zoë does suck down her sippy cup like it will give her immortality, it should last her through a prayer. That's when they said, "Let's do one last song." Well, the sippy cup lasted long enough to get into the middle of the prayer. The single pacifier went into Zoë's mouth and she went nuts. She was not done eating. Bonny tried covering her mouth. She tried repremanding her. Finally she grabbed Jason's bottle out of his mouth and stuck it in hers. She was quite. Jason, however, was shocked. His eyes were huge. His mouth was still held open waiting for another suck. What had just happened? Had he done something wrong? "I mean, sure I was almost done, but I would have liked the last little bit."

He has such a good temperment. We really got spoiled with him.

Had I been there, I would have taken Zoë out and gotten her in trouble. As it was I talked with her when they got home. I really wonder how much of that she understands. I know good and well she wouldn't have understood punishment then.

She tries to make up for it by being sugary sweet. She has definitly learned to turn on the charm. She's even learned to fake it.


P.S. How's that for an abrupt ending? Well, phoey on you. :) Here, how about this? There are rumors we could finalize the adoptions as soon as August. I don't understand all the particulars. So, don't ask. We also got a loan today to consolidate some credit cards. This should mean we can pay off the adoption costs that much sooner, and begin saving for the next one. And by saving I mean; pay off other day.


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