Thursday, June 08, 2006

Left you hanging? (NSFL)

NSFL - Not safe for lunch.

That's what Bonny says anyhow. Jason seems to be doing some better. My grandmother got to spend some time around him. She has had several years of experience in the nursery of a hospital as an RN. (At least I think it was an RN. It might have been an LPN.) She said that Jason needed fluids and a suppository.

So, we got him some and ... uh ... administered them.

It was really quite pitiful. He cried when they started to work. We've given him one a day for three days, but it really seems to be helping. We are going to given him a few days break from them to see if his body can handle it on its own from here.

He is eating a lot better. It's hard to tell if he's gaining weight, considering how much weight the suppositories have made him lose. All in all, I think he's doing much better.

We have an appointment with a GI specialist on Monday. My grandmother said they probably wouldn't have a scale, so I think I'll head by our regular doctor's office early that morning and get him weighed.

Zoƫ is really enjoying our trip. I think she's overwhelmed by all the kids at church. NW Ark seems to be a much more fertile place than Fort Worth. She's eating a lot more kinds of solid food. She tried strawberries, mushrooms, cocktail sauce, non-blended sweet potatoes, ... all kinds of things ... at a buffet the other day.

Ah well. Enough talking at you bums, I have vacationing to do.



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