Sunday, September 11, 2005

Money, money, money ... MONEY

To quote Brian...

But anyhow, we've saved $10,090.73. A momentus day indeed. That number includes the $3000 we've already paid, but the important thing is, it means that should it arrise we can pay the preplacement fee out right.

I know. I know. What's a preplacement fee? Well, basically we have to pay $1500 for a home study and another $8500 before we pick up a kid. We are currently paying $500 installments, but should a child be placed with us, we'd ahve to pay the remainder immediately. For the first time, we actually have enough cash to do that.

Cash is the opperative word there. The agency doesn't take credit cards, so we have to come up with real cash. This has meant us going more in debt, but that should be a short term issue. We are hoping to have the rest of the $5000 we expect to need by the end of the year, but it all depends on when we get a kid and thusly, when Bonny needs to stop working.

Anyhow, this wasn't much to report, but anything to get the last post pushed a little further down the page.


Blogger Kenneth P Woodruff said...

You should add a button that allows people to donate via pay pal.

14/9/05 8:16 AM  

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