Monday, August 17, 2009

Happy 4th Birthday Zoë

"For my birthday, I don't want sharks. That would make me confused. They would bite me. I don’t want them by the cake. If the cake was all gone; I couldn’t find it." -Zoë

Friday, August 14, 2009

There's something not right with that girl...

I walk out of the bathroom with my face screwed up, into a sour puss, from the "pain" of being awake at 7:30 am, and I almost slam into Zoë as she goes bounding down the hall. She looks over at me with a huge smile carrying three pairs of shoes, spraying her own flavor of sunshine all over the room.

[see title]


Saturday, August 08, 2009

Identity Crisis Adverted

Justin - "Okay, Zoë, here's your shirt."
Zoë - "My shirt!!!"
Jason - "Hey, that's my shirt."
Justin - "No it's not."
Jaosn - "Yes it is."
Justin - "This is your mermaid shirt?"
Jason - (with a smile) "Yeeeeeesssss."
Justin - "Oh, is that cause you're a little girl?"
Jason - (still smiling) "Yes."
Justin - "Oh, is that why you have such long beautiful hair?"
Jason - "Yes."
Justin - "Oh, is that why you wear makup?"
Jason - "Yes."
Justin - "Oh, is that why you kiss little boys?"

Jason lost his smile and his eyes got huge and he blushed a little. He stopped defending his cause.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

No, I'm NOT!!!

Justin - "And then God said, "Let us make human being in our image and likeness." So, he made human beings, like you. You're a human being."
Zoë - "No, I'm not."
Justin - "Yes, you are. It just means people. Mommy's a woman human being. Daddy's a man human being. Jason's a little boy human being. And you're a little girl human being."
Zoë - "No, I'm NOT." (tears welling up)
Justin - "Baby, it's not a bad thing. We're all human beings."
Zoë - "I'm NOT A BEAN"