Saturday, June 27, 2009

To post, or not to post.

Well, I've been meaning to get around to it. Actually, I'm supposed to have been doing Jason's game updates. However, the person who told me to post was actually at the games. How boring for them.

Alas, here we go. Last game, the 20th, Jason had two infield hits. The first was directly to the first baseman. The first baseman actually did a pretty good job fielding the grounder. It popped up off his glove just a bit, but he juggled it and got it under control. Luckily, for Jason, the first baseman had no idea what to do next. He was just under two feet from first base and the coaches are telling him "touch the base! touch the base!!!" But he wasn't getting the idea, and Jason traversed those thirty feet before the first baseman made it two. SAFE!!! :)

This last game; he had an outfield hit to right and an infield hit to the second baseman. Both, he got to first easily. On the first hit, he actually made it to second (because the right fielder didn't know where to throw it), but they sent him back to first.

It's kind of a shame. The next to last game was the only one were we had an umpire who let the kids run their hits out. Christian hit two long balls that game. The first was a homerun and the second probably could have been, but was ruled a double. But, Jason wasn't hitting the long ball that day. So, at the end of the season, every hit he did was ruled a single.

So, seven games, fourteen at bats, fourteen singles, (I'm not positive on this, but) four outs.

Several, of the other teams' parents, said we had the best hitting team. I tend to agree. One team we played had better defense. I think we would have been in the championship game with them (if the YMCA had such competative things). It would have been a close game.

Jason got a little trophey, that's now proudly on display on one of his corner shelves.

They have another season in the fall. He'll probably be tall enough that we'll need new pants. He can keep the belt though. It's very adjustable. It was labeled "one size fits most". Well; it can fit him or me. So, I'd say that's most.



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